Some colors may not be on our color palettet, but they are at our essence. This is precisely why we should not give them up in our daily lives.
The Color stickers of your Essence come with the intention of personalizing the service in the Color Consulting and in the delivery of the color palette to the client. With them, you can include in the client’s color palette the colors that she loves, identifies herself or that are part of the image desire.
There are 96 colored stickers, two of each tone. They follow the pattern of the color palette of all seasons of the Studio Immagine Expanded Seasonal Method.

Weight 197 g






Technical Characteristics

96 stickers distributed in 5 sheets.
– There are 48 tones and two stickers of each tone.
– The stickers follow the color pattern of the seasons of the Studio Immagine Expanded Seasonal Method.

Color Stickers of your essence...
